A Study on the Idiom Translation in the Dark Forest under Hermeneutic Theory
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Published: 17 September 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Liu Cixin’s The Dark Forest translated by Joel Martinson is a science fiction popular among readers at home and abroad. A large number of idioms in the fiction contain profound Chinese culture significance and play an important role in translation quality. Based on George Steiner’s hermeneutic theory of translation, this paper analyses the embodiment of the fourfold translation motion in idiom translation and summarizes the strategies to translate the idioms in the Chinese version of The Dark Forest. With a careful analysis of 102 idioms in total, the study finds that George Steiner’s Fourfold Translation Motion Theory provides a good explanation to the process of idiom translation: first, Martinson trust that the fiction is evaluated as meaningful in terms of the value of the fiction itself and his person competence; second, he invades the source text out of his cultural consciousness and his linguistic competence; third, the meaning and form of those idioms in the fiction is transferred as much as possible; fourthly, a large degree of equivalence is reached by compensation of rewriting. Moreover, although the translator is flexible in applying domestication and foreignization to idiom translation, he prefers to adopting domestication to make the translation easier to understand. In addition, idiom translation should be regarded as a linguistic transformation under cultural interpretation to expand the exchange of different folk cultures.
Keywords: The Dark Forest, idiom translation, hermeneutic theory.

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How to Cite
Xu Zhengqiu, Lyu Liangqiu. (2019-09-17). "A Study on the Idiom Translation in the Dark Forest under Hermeneutic Theory." *Volume 3*, 3, 41-49